Saturday, April 20, 2013

Kakarakaaya UlliKharam Pettina Gutti Koora / Bitter Gourd and Stuffed Onion Bhaji

6 - Bitter Gourd
6 TableSpoons - Oil

Onion-Chilli Paste:
1 - Big Onion
5 - Red Chillies
1 TableSpoon - Thick Tamarind Pulp
Salt as per your taste

1. Slit Bitter Gourd vertically.
2. Heat oil in a pan and fry bitter gourd thoroughly and keep them aside.
3. Grind all the ingredients mentioned in onion-chilli paste section.
4. Using the same pan and the oil that is left over in the pan after removing the bitter gourd, fry onion-chilli paste until the paste thickens and looses the raw onion smell. Use 1-2 TableSpoons of oil for frying onion-chilli paste if required.

5. After the paste cools down, stuff the bitter gourd with this onion-chilli paste.
6. Serve the bhaji with plain rice and ghee.

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