Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jowar Roti / Jonna Rotte

2 Cups - Jawar Flour
1/2 Cup - Cabbage, Finely Chopped
1 - Carrot, Graeted
1/2 Cup - Spring Onion's, Chopped Or 1 - Onion Chopped
 4-6 - Green Chillies, Finely Chopped
3 TableSpoons - Cilantro, Chopped
1 Tea Spoon - Cuming Seeds
Salt as per your taste
Hot Water

1. Mix all the above ingredients well and using hot water make chapati dough.
Note: As vegetables already have some water in them, less amount water is required to prepare the dough.
2. Keep it aside for 10-15 minutes.

3. On a plastic cover / ZipLock cover spread few drops of oil.
4. Place a chapathi ball on the plastic cover and press the dough flat with your fingers.
5. Roast the Chapathi adding some oil on the circumference of the chapathi.
6. Serve this with Curd or any chutney.

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