Thursday, March 21, 2013

Doodh Peda / Pala Kova - From Scratch

2 Liters - Whole Milk
1/2 Cup - Sugar

Note: Use a wide and thick Pan to make kova

1. Boil milk in a pan on a cook top.
2. Once the milk starts to boil,  stir continuously until the milk gets thick.
3. At this point add sugar and put the stove on a medium flame.
4. After sugar is added, stir continuously and be cautious not to burn it.
5. Stir until kova starts to stick to the spatula and starts to come off the pan.
6. Once done, switch off the stove and cool it.

7. Once the kova cools down, make balls out of the kova.
    - Apply ghee to both of your hands and take some kova, make it into a ball and press flat.

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