Sunday, March 3, 2013

Asparagus Stir-Fry

10 - Asparagus Stalk
1 TeaSpoon - Cumin Seeds
1/4th TeaSpoon - Black Pepper Powder
1 TableSpoon - Grated Ginger
1 TableSpoon - Lemon Juice
Salt As per your taste
1 TableSpoon - Oil (Regular / Olive Oil)

1. Cut the hard portion of the Asparagus stalks. Or You can hold the 2 ends of the stalk and bend it and the stalk would break into 2 pieces, discard the hard portion.

Asparagus Stalk's
Cut into 2 Inch Pieces
2. Cut the asparagus into 2-inch long pieces.

3. Heat oil in a pan and add Cumin seeds.

4. When cumin seeds start to crackle add grated ginger, pepper, salt, asparagus and lemon.

5. In about 4-5 minutes, asparagus will get tender. Do not cook the asparagus of long.
6. Serve Hot.

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