Saturday, May 4, 2013

PesarAvakaaya / MoongDal Mango Pickle

1 - Medium Size Raw Mango
1/2 Cup - Moong Dal
5 Table Spoons - Red Chilli Powder
3 Table Spoons - Salt [Or adjust per your taste]
1/2 Tea Spoon - Methi Powder
1/8th Tea Spoon - Turmeric

1/3rd Cup - Sesame Oil
Mustard Seeds
1 Tea Spoon - Hing

1. Cut Mango into 1 inch pieces.

2. Dry fry moong dal until it turns light brown. Switch off the stove and let it cool.
3. Grind moong dal into coarse powder.
4. Take the moong dal pwoder into a bowl and add Chilli powder, salt, methi powder, turmeric and mix well.
5. Prepare tadka and keep it aside and let it come to room temperature.
6. Pour tadka into moong dal powder mixture and mix well.
7. Add mango pieces into the above mixture and mix again.

1. After couple of hours check the pickle, if all the oil is absorbed by moong dal powder and if the pickle becomes dry add extra sesame oil (unheated / raw) and mix well.
2. The pickle has to rest for a day for the flavor to come out.

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