Monday, November 19, 2012

Vegetable Soup

1/2 Cup - Beans cut into small pieces
1/2 Cup - Carrot cut into small cubes
1/2 Cup - Sweet Corn
1/2 Cup - Capsicum [Optional] small pieces
4 Cups - Water
2 tea spoons - Corn Flour powder
Salt to taste
Pepper Powder

  • Boil the water in a vessel and add vegetables to it.
  • Once the vegetables are cooked, add salt.
  • Add 1/2 - 1 Cup of water if the water evaporates.
  • Take a small cup with some water and mix the corn flour powder and make it into a paste.
  • When the water begins to bubble add this corn flour paste.
  • Stir continuously.
  • Add pepper powder at the end and server hot.

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