Friday, January 4, 2013

Green Moong Sprouts Snack

1 Cup - Sprouted Green Moong / Sprouted Pesalu
1/2 - Onion, chopped
1 - Tomato, chopped
1/4th Cup - Carrot, chopped
1/2 Cup - Cucumber/Kheera, chopped
1 - Small BeetRoot, Chopped [Optional]
2 - Green Chillies, chopped (or per your taste)
1 TableSpoon - Lemon Juice
1/4th TeaSpoon - Black Pepper Powder
Kottimeera, chopped

For Moong Sprouts:
Soak Green Moong or pesalu over night. Next day take it out of the water and spread the moong in a bowl and close the bowl with a lid. Following day you should see moong with sprouts.

For Snack:
Mix all the above items and serve.

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